Don’t Go Alone.

Sign up for Executive Coaching

You landed your dream job, but now you are thinking you made a mistake.

All too often, we reach the top of the mountain, only to see a bigger obstacle ahead of us and wonder if the journey was even worth it.

If you feel like you are burning out, treading water, or just tired…

I get it.

There was a time when I really wondered if I had gone in the wrong direction.

I soon found an approach and way of thinking that aligned with my faith and sense of personal integrity. I am a connector. I love to focus on deep listening and movement toward solutions.

Learn more about me and my approach to coaching.

With my Both And approach, I am both realistic and optimistic, because I believe there is no other way to live. I want to do more than survive; we should all be given the resources and freedom to thrive.

We provide Executive Leadership Coaching, (DEI) Facilitation and Systems Consultation (CC/CQ & ROSC).

My Specialties:

  • Community Engagement

  • Policy Alignment

  • Healing Centered Engagement/Trauma responsive

  • Healing Racism

  • Cultural Competence-Intelligence

  • CLAS ( Cultural and Linguistically Appropriate Service Standards)

  • Participatory Action Research Methods

  • ABCD/I

  • Appreciative Inquiry

What is Coaching? 

  • Support and guidance along the way

  • Build your capacity

  • Increase (inspire) confidence 

  • Explore possibilities, because I believe we can find the answers

We often just need a guide, to explore what we all know to be true.

Learn to ask questions, and respond with curiosity

In our work, I focus on you.

I believe we need to be REAL -
Responsive, Empathic, Authentic and Loving

And we must practice self-care, which is also about community care. 

Take a mental health day, or just a mental health hour.

Don’t burn out

Don’t avoid

Notice the story you are telling yourself - are you really OK?

  • How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

  • Do you take 10 minutes to zone out, meditate?

  • Have you read any good fiction lately?

  • What is a story of when you felt most effective and productive? 

  • What resources have you read to help you lead?

If you are not sleeping, are addicted to the hustle and grind - It’s no wonder you are having a tough time staying motivated. 

We all need time to recharge, reconnect, and refocus. 

We offer executive coaching, facilitation, and organizational systems consultation

Learn to implement the Both And Framework
and cultivate a culture of belonging. 

We are passionate about healing - specifically healing racism

We are also committed to being trauma responsive,
not just informed. 

We work… One question, one conversation,
one person at a time.